The Purchase

The purchase of a second dog. The idea is to adopt a dog from the animal welfare. No matter the occasion. A dog may be quickly acquired. Often, however, one makes too little preparations beforehand.

Before the problems occur, it is better and often cheaper to let yourself advised on the matter. This is a consultation beforehand where I gladly explain important criteria that must be observed. Be it about the choice of breed and size, the health characteristics to be observed or about the maintenance costs for a future pet (veterinarian, control, etc.), we tackle all important issues here. Why a shelter dog can be a good choice or not. Why a puppy, as the initial acquisition, would take too much of your time. A second dog should be integrated into the group. What position will have the next four-legged friend? What is the education of the quadruped? What costs are incurred? As you can see, some questions arise and they should be better clarified in advance than when it becomes too late.


A consultation before buying a dog contributes significantly to a good decision-making. Buying a dog it might bring you lovely days, but it may also result in problems. A consultation saves time and nerves for all involved.